Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Why is accreditation important?

Accreditation is important to various constituent groups because it represents an institution's commitment to quality education. It's important to choose an online GED or diploma program that has been accredited by a recognized institution.

Being accredited warrants that an institution meets the quality criteria set by the accreditation agencies. Business and industry leaders are interested in quality universities and consider accreditation status an important factor when hiring.

Citizens are assured of accountability and of value for their tuition dollars knowing their educational institute meets established standards and undergoes regular re-evaluation by teams of professionals whose focus is on institutions improvement.

What is the purpose of accreditation?

Accreditation serves the following purposes:
Assuring Quality: Accreditation is the primary means by which colleges, universities assure education quality to students and the public.
Source of Improvement: Accreditation provides a stimulus for continuous improvement in educational practices due to the periodic re-evaluation by accrediting agencies.
Easing Transfer: Accreditation of institutions and programs is important to students for the
smooth transfer of credits among High Schools.
Recognition: Accreditation of institutions and their programs accords them recognition as providers of high-quality education. Federal, state, and local agencies openly refer students to these institutes and encourage students to consider only accredited institutes.
Engendering Employer Confidence: The accredited status of an institution or program is important to employers when evaluating credentials of job applicants and when providing financial support to current employees seeking additional education.

On what basis is accreditation offered?

Non-governmental agencies or boards establish certain standards required of an institution or High School in order to become accredited. Their core function is to promote high-quality distance education by identifying standards that outline the best educational practices. These boards or agencies evaluate the institute or High School in the following areas:

Institution's mission/vision
Educational practices
Financial stability
Policies and student services
Institutions meeting the standards set for each of these areas are granted accreditation.

How institutions are granted accreditation?

Accreditation is offered only to those institutes that meet the strict standards set by the official and semi-official agencies or boards. There are several non-governmental agencies which are highly committed to improving the educational standards of on-line High Schools and universities, in particular those which are offering diplomas based on working adults' life/work/knowledge experience or by taking the online equivalency test.

A few of these non-governmental agencies or boards performing accreditation services are as following:

Accreditation Council for Online Colleges and Schools (ACOCS)
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSACS)
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCACS)
Northwest Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (NASCU)
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)

All the above-mentioned boards or agencies are well-known and enjoy worldwide recognition. 


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